Inteplast celebrates 50 years manufacturing thermoplastic solutions

Interplast is celebrating 50 years as a leader in designing, developing and manufacturing high-performance thermoplastic solutions, and with an eye on the future, in industry 4.0, innovation, technology, quality and sustainability.

Founded in 1972, the Interplast team, facilities, production capacity, product lines and global presence have all continued to grow. We have reached agreements as industry partners with leading brands in the automotive, domestic, electromechanical and medical sectors. And, in recent years, we have successfully passed on the group’s leadership from one generation to the next.

As we have evolved, we have never lost sight of our philosophy as a family business, with closeness and flexibility with our customers, team and suppliers at its centre. At the same time, we have found a balance between business growth and a culture of continuous improvement through lean manufacturing.

To commemorate this milestone, we organised several activities between 2022 and 2023. To thank everyone for their trust over the years, on 1 October 2022 we held an Open Day at our headquarters in Vall de Bianya, with over one hundred families and collaborators. Then, in appreciation of the commitment of everyone who made this project possible, we held a party with our entire team to celebrate in a relaxed, care-free environment.

Follow us on social media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook) with #Inteplast50Years.

Corporate video "Inteplast: 50 years Moulding the Future":


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